At the moment, I only offer
5-Frame Deep Langstroth Nucs and occasionally larger colonies up to 10-frames.
We have bees for sale!
They are 5-frame Langstroth deep nucs with comb, nectar/honey, pollen, queen and workers. Each nuc is a small working colony that's ready to be installed into a larger Langstroth hive.
Buying a nuc is much more efficient than buying a package-of-bees where they have to start from scratch with no comb or food stores.
These colonies are treatment-free, and they've never been fed sugar-water or high-fructose corn syrup. Our Langstroth nucs are foundationless, meaning they have no plastic foundation or wax foundation. They build their own natural comb.
Bees are $175, and frames included. Depending on your location, I may have charge a delivery fee. Otherwise, if you pick them up from my yard some late afternoon-into-evening, there's no extra charge above $175.00.